It has been developed to increase the bee's immunity against diseases. It is a liquid product consumed by bees. It is 100% natural ingredients. In addition, there is no harm to the brood or the queen bee. It does not leave any residue on honey.
It was produced in Namık Kemal University Technopark. 550 grams
In bee hives, it is applied between the laths on the bees, with 15 ml for bees between 3000-7000, 25 ml for bees between 7000-20000, 40 ml for bees 20000 and above.
The expiry date is 2 years.
The product contains a mixture of organic acids and vegetable oils. In the R&D results we have done, positive effects on bees have been observed in the use of honey bees in the right dosages of certain organic acids and vegetable oils.
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